Creating simplistic, clean line art may seem easy, but making the most out of every line creates challenges. Too many lines, the visual becomes muddled and hard to read. Too few lines, and there is no visual information. Brian, the sole operator and designer at Bentzdesign Studios, has a unique talent for finding the right balance of creating artwork that carries the visual information, while still being able to be reproduced easily – whether it is printed on a flyer, a T-shirt, a van wrap, or a billboard.
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[vc_text_separator title=”LAWN SERVICE LOGO DESIGN” color=”sandy_brown” border_width=”2″]
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This job was completed remotely through emails with the owner of the lawn care service company. There are five example logo sketches that were also produced. When you hire Bentzdesign Studios to design a logo, you will always get multiple high quality options in the beginning of the creation process. From there, we communicate with the client, tweak ideas, resketch if necessary, until you are completely happy with the finished product.
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