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[vc_text_separator title=”LUMBER CO. LOGO DESIGN” color=”sandy_brown” border_width=”2″]

75% of business leaders believe it is now more efficient to hire specialist freelancers rather than training up existing employees. Brian, founder and solo talent of Bentzdesign Studios, has unique talents for filling in the areas that most corporate art departments lack. As such, Brian often gets called into the special projects that usually cause trouble for staff designers.

[vc_custom_heading text=”We don’t live in a monochromatic world. People are drawn to interesting design and color. The logo that marks your package or adorns your storefront should be designed to draw interest and pique the curiosity of your potential customers, prompting them to at least look, and hopefully purchase your product.” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:center|color:%23cc6710″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1693000435166{margin-top: -25px !important;padding-top: 25px !important;padding-right: 10px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 10px !important;background-color: #e5d4b9 !important;}”][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”]

This job was completed remotely through emails with an marketing/advertising agency. There are five example logo sketches that we also produced. When you hire Bentzdesign Studios to design a logo, you will always get multiple high quality options in the beginning of the creation process. From there, we communicate with the client, tweak ideas, resketch if necessary, until the client is 100% happy.

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